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Just say know

Cannabis In Today’s
Chinese Medicine

Everyone and their dog is trying cannabis these days. Even your grandmother is probably testing out this plant for her arthritis. But is it REALLY good for everyone?

During the Ming Dynasty, Li Shizhen classified Da Ma as a superior herb, and it was part of the US Pharmacopeia until 1942. Yet the cannabis plants has been illegal nearly world-wide for most of the last 100 years. What happened?

Cannabis plant botanical drawing
Laptop with hands, lemon water, plant to depict learning

Just say know

“The difference between ignorance and knowledge is education.” ~ Joseph Carter

So many questions, and science has exploded in the last 10 years providing answers. We’ve studied the studies, tested hundreds of products, savored the flavers, and started a dialogue to begin answering the question of how to bring this herb back to it’s place in modern Chinese medicine. Knowledge is power, and how that knowledge is presented is as important as the knowledge itself.

The People

From Shennong to Li Shizhen to Raphael Machoulam, learn about the pioneers in cannabis use and science.

image of rx pad with cannabis leaf

The Practice

From ancient use to modern, cannabis has been part of medicine since the beginning of humanity. Learn how to use this plant with confidence as part of modern practice. 

The Plant

From ancient times to modern, learn the uses and indications of the cannabis plant so you can bring it back into the clinic as a superior herb.

Cannabis in today’s Chinese Medicine

“Cannabis is the only known illicit substance which has been shown to promote neuroplasticity and neurogenesis.” ~Robison Godlove

THC. CBD. CBN. CBG. CBDA. THCV. Your patients are using it all, and probably lying to you about it. What if you understood the alphabet soup, knew the likely effects of these components of the cannabis plant on human physiology, felt confident about how this plant might interact with your patient’s other medications, and could use this information to help your patients navigate supporting their endocannabinoid systems intelligently and intentionally? 

Da Ma Hua, LLC Offers a new concept in Cannabis education.

“Cannabis can be eaten, smoked, vaped, rubbed on your skin…so many ways to use this incredible plant. My favorite way to injest it is to make tea. Yes, canna-tea.” ~Lisa Nicholson

We connect modern science to the Chinese medical classics to offer a rational, evidence-based system for incorporating cannabis into Today’s Chinese medicine. We invite YOU to join the conversation.

cannabis flower
botanical drawing of cannabis

We’re just getting started

Education. Science. Theory. Practice.

We invite you to join the conversation

Our Entourage of Teachers

Joseph “Acudude” Carter

California licensed acupuncturist since 1988


Aromatherapy expert

Flavor specialist

Lisa Nicholson

Lisa Nicholson photo

California licensed acupuncturist since 2000


Lover of cannabis tea

Science geek

Robison GodloveRobison Godlove photo

Tui Na/Tai Qi Quan/Qi Gong practitioner and educator

Organizational leadership specialist

Rare cultivar cannabis cultivator

Cannabis aficionado

Join the conversation today!

Call Anytime: (619) 800-2776